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ARUP Assessments

    • 20 tests |
    • 243 questions

Arup is a British design, planning, and engineering company, founded in 1946. The company has worked on projects in 140 countries; notable ones include the Sydney Opera House, the London Eye and the Shard.

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ARUP Assessment centre

The assessment centre is now done completely online, but you will still get the chance to meet with the hiring team and recent graduates. There are three tasks involved:

ARUP Individual Written Task

The written task will be based on the type of role that you’re applying for. Often you will be given a case study with a problem relevant to the job you will be doing, and you will have to prepare a response.

Depending on your area of expertise, there may be more technical elements to the task, so make sure you are confident in your core skills and recent developments in the field.

ARUP Group Exercise

This may be similar to the individual task, in that you will be given a case study or some research to discuss and present as a group. As well as being assessed on how well you deal with the brief of the task, this is primarily an opportunity for the hiring managers to observe how you work in a group setting.

Try to act as naturally as possible as they want to see your personality. If you find the prospect daunting, have a look at some advice for group exercises that can help you.

ARUP Interview

Lastly, there is a competency-based interview, which is usually with two or more staff relevant to the position you have applied for.

A competency-based interview means that the questions are more situational or behavioural-centred; common questions include:

  • Why did you apply to Arup?
  • Tell me about a time you found an innovative solution.
  • How have your experiences prepared you for this role?
  • Tell me about a time you were critiqued and how you reacted.

To do well in this interview, you need to make sure that you know your CV well and have clear examples of your strengths, weaknesses, and any technical skills expected of you.

It is also a good idea to research Arup and its recent business news, so you can discuss specific details about what interests you about the profession and the company. Many people find interviews intimidating, but there are plenty of helpful interview tips that can help you make a lasting impression.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with ARUP. We provide preparation services for ARUP psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample ARUP Tests question Test your knowledge!

When tasked with reducing energy consumption in a building, what would be a logical first step to address?

  • Conducting an energy audit to identify current consumption patterns
  • Immediately replacing all lighting with LED bulbs
  • Installing solar panels on the building's roof
  • Rewriting the company's environmental policy

During a project planning meeting, the estimated costs for materials were calculated at 25% more than the original budget. If the initial budget for materials was $40,000, what is the adjusted estimate for material costs?

  • $50,000
  • $40,000
  • $60,000
  • $55,000

The load distribution over a horizontal beam is most evenly balanced when the beam is supported at which two points?

  • One-third and two-thirds of the way along its length
  • At the quarter points
  • Directly in the center only
  • At the endpoints only

You are given a project report to review. The report contains numerous technical terms and acronyms specific to the industry. What should be your first step in comprehending the material?

  • Identify and understand the meaning of unfamiliar terms
  • Focus on the conclusion of the report to grasp the overall outcome
  • Skim through the report to get a general idea
  • Begin editing for grammar and spelling errors

In a written communication to a client explaining a delay in project schedule, it is important to:

  • Apologize for the inconvenience and explain the corrective measures being taken
  • Use technical jargon to demonstrate expertise
  • Emphasize the client's role in the delay
  • Offer an unrealistic timeline for completion to maintain client satisfaction

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ARUP Tests Tips

1Familiarize with the Formats

Get to know the layout and types of questions you’ll face on the ARUP tests. This will boost your confidence and help you manage your time effectively during the actual exam.

2Understand the Role

Different roles might require different skill-sets. Understand the competencies and technical knowledge the job requires and focus your practice in those areas.

3Practice Under Timed Conditions

Speed and accuracy are key. Simulate exam conditions by setting a timer when you practice. This will help you get used to the pressure of the ticking clock.

4Review and Reflect

After each practice session, take time to review your answers. Reflect on your mistakes and why you made them to avoid repeating them in the future.

5Stay Calm and Centered

During your preparation and the actual tests, stay calm. Keep a positive attitude and take deep breaths if you start to feel anxious.

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What are the ARUP tests?

The ARUP tests are tailored assessments used in the hiring process to evaluate candidates on skills relevant to engineering, design, and consulting roles. They typically cover areas such as logic, problem-solving, and discipline-specific knowledge.

Are the ARUP tests hard?

Like any assessment, the ARUP tests can be challenging, especially if you’re not prepared. They’re designed to measure your aptitude for specific skills critically important to the roles at ARUP.

How do I prepare for ARUP tests?

The best way to prepare for ARUP tests is to practice! Practice Aptitude Tests offers a variety of tests to help you get a feel for the questions and format you will encounter. Frequent practice can increase your familiarity and comfort with the test materials.

How long does the recruitment process take at ARUP?

The length of ARUP’s recruitment process can vary depending on the role. It may involve multiple stages, including initial screening, assessments, interviews, and sometimes further testing or group exercises.

What are ARUP's core values?

ARUP focuses on sustainability, technical excellence, and integral solutions as part of its core values. They seek individuals who are innovative, responsible, and committed to shaping a better world through the built environment.

Reviews of our ARUP tests

What our customers say about our ARUP tests

  • United Kingdom

    November 02, 2021

    Very tough time-wise

    Need to be very fast in completing the tasks. Perhaps not wise as not all problems must be solved in a window of a minute.

  • Ghana

    May 23, 2021

    It was interesting

    The test was okay but some of the questions were difficult to solve