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EDF Energy Assessments

    • 19 tests |
    • 208 questions

EDF Energy provides home and business energy in the UK.

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EDF Presentations

Depending on the role that you are applying for you may be expected to give a short presentation on a subject provided. You will be given time to prepare and will be allowed to take prompts in with you. This will be assessing your public speaking and presenting skills. You will also be expected to answer questions following completion of your presentation. Ensure you read widely prior to the assessment centre about the organisation and industry.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with EDF Energy. We provide preparation services for EDF Energy psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample EDF Energy Tests question Test your knowledge!

You are tasked with predicting the maintenance needs for a network of pipelines based on the previous patterns of servicing intervals and breakdowns. What method would you use to ensure the most accurate prediction?

  • Install more pipelines to gather more data.
  • Assign more staff to monitor the pipelines continuously.
  • Analyze the data to identify maintenance and breakdown patterns.
  • Reduce the pressure in pipelines to decrease the likelihood of breakdowns.

A company in the energy sector has the following quarterly fuel production report in thousands: Q1 - 150, Q2 - 175, Q3 - 160, Q4 - 190. If the company wants to achieve a 10% increase in production for the next year's Q1, how many thousands of fuel should be produced?

  • 165
  • 185
  • 200
  • 1650

An energy supply company is planning to increase its customer base from 100,000 to 150,000 over the next year. What is the percentage increase expected?

  • 50%
  • 150%
  • 5%
  • 15%

After reading the following corporate communication, what can be inferred about the company's upcoming strategy? 'We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint by investing in more efficient production technologies and renewable sources of energy, aligning with global environmental standards.'

  • The company is planning layoffs to reduce costs.
  • The company is preparing to expand its non-renewable energy sources.
  • The company will focus on green energy initiatives.
  • The company will stop investing in energy production.

An analyst given a report 'According to industry trends, fuel consumption is predicted to decrease as energy users continue to switch to renewables. Providers who adapt to this shift are likely to see sustainable growth.' Can infer that:

  • Fuel prices will likely increase due to higher demand.
  • Renewable energy strategies will potentially yield better growth in the long term.
  • The majority of energy providers do not support renewables.
  • There is an immediate need to stop production of fossil fuels.

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EDF Energy Tests Tips

1Familiarize Yourself with Industry Basics

Take some time to understand the basic concepts and terminologies used in the Energy sector. A strong grasp of the basics can help you make educated guesses on questions that stump you.

2Practice Problem-Solving Skills

Energy industry tests often involve problem-solving. Hone these skills by practicing with as many relevant problems as you can find, allowing you to approach similar questions with confidence.

3Manage Your Time Wisely

These exams are timed, so it’s crucial to find a balance between speed and accuracy. Practice under timed conditions to improve your time management during the actual test.

4Understand the Test Format

Get comfortable with the format of Energy industry tests by taking practice exams. Knowing what to expect can help reduce test anxiety and improve your overall performance.

5Stay Updated on Industry Trends

Keeping abreast of the latest developments in the Energy sector can provide context for your exam answers and help you understand the practical applications of what you’re being tested on.

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EDF Energy Tests FAQs

What are covered on Energy tests?

Energy tests typically assess a candidate’s understanding of industry fundamentals, technical knowledge relevant to energy production, and problem-solving abilities tailored to real-world scenarios in the sector.

How do I prepare for Energy tests?

Preparing for Energy tests involves studying industry-related materials, brushing up on technical concepts, and practicing with sample questions or mock exams to master the test format.

How difficult are Energy tests?

The difficulty of Energy tests varies depending on your familiarity with the industry and the concepts being examined. Regular practice and a good understanding of the energy sector can significantly ease the challenge.

What types of tests are included in the Energy tests?

Energy tests encompass a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, scenario-based queries, data analysis, technical puzzles, and reasoning problems to aptly reflect the demands of the Energy industry.

Where can I practice free Energy test questions?

The best way to prepare for Energy tests is through consistent practice. You can find an array of practice tests on Practice Aptitude Tests, where you can hone your skills and improve your familiarity with the types of questions you’ll face.

Reviews of our Energy tests

What our customers say about our Energy tests

  • India

    September 07, 2023

    It is very good

    It gives a good mental exercise to complete within short time and needs brain to be more active to focus on details and accuracy. Also, reading and understanding the question is much more important before you start solving the problem.