Cubiks tests are designed and developed by Cubiks, a leading psychometrics and talent management tool provider. Many employers use Cubiks tests as part of their recruitment and selection process, as they can be adapted to the specific requirements of an organisation.

There are three main categories of Cubiks test: situational judgement tests, Logiks tests (which comprise numerical, verbal and abstract reasoning tests) and PAPI personality tests.

There are two PAPI personality tests: the PAPI N test is generally used in the earlier stages of the recruitment process, and the PAPI I test in the latter stages of the process.

These tests focus on a candidate’s work-based preferences, characteristics, and traits in seven key areas: Ideas and Change; Impact and Drive; Engagement; Interaction; Composure; Organisation and Structure; and Work Momentum.

Cubiks psychometric and personality tests can be challenging, especially for those who have not previously encountered psychometric testing. Read on for 10 ways you can improve your performance.

1. Understand the format

Some Cubiks tests, such as the verbal reasoning tests, include questions presented in various formats. For example, some questions require you to infer information from passages of text, while others need you to make an assumption based on the text given.

Knowing the format of the test, what is required, and how the answers are structured means that you don’t waste precious time trying to determine what the question is asking or how to answer it.

2. Take practice tests

As with all psychometric tests, it is essential to practice the tests you will be asked to sit.

Practicing means that you are familiar with the format and the style of questioning in each test. It also highlights any areas that you need to brush up your knowledge on, and means that you approach the actual tests in a positive frame of mind.

3. Sharpen key skills

Practicing tests helps identify any areas that you struggle with, so that you can sharpen your skills in these areas. For example, if you aren’t as confident when calculating ratios in the numerical test, make sure that you refresh your knowledge on how to do this.

4. Develop methods and techniques to solve different tests

The format of Cubiks tests varies according to the test itself. Developing your own method of tackling and answering the questions for each type of test means that you don’t panic when it comes to sitting the tests.

Key techniques include:

  • Leaving the questions you find difficult and coming back to them once you have completed the test. Applying this method – especially in the numerical reasoning test – means that you don’t waste time on the questions you find challenging, but give yourself the best chance of answering as many questions as you can correctly.
  • In the verbal reasoning test read the question first, then read the passage of text. Using this approach means you can identify information relevant to the questions.
  • In the verbal reasoning test, read the passage before you read the questions. Adopting this approach means that you get an understanding of the key messages of the text.
  • In the abstract reasoning test, break the information down into smaller pieces. This enables you to understand how the information fits together.

5. Spot the distractor answers

After reading the information, eliminate any answers that clearly aren’t correct. This means you have less answers to focus on, which means less options to distract you. Using this approach helps you figure out the correct answer quicker from the remaining options.

cubiks tips

6. Get your timings right

Each Cubiks test has different time limits. Some tests, such as the PAPI personality tests, are untimed tests. Knowing what the timings are for each of the tests can help you determine whether you are spending too much time on any one question.

Knowing your timings also means that you don’t run the risk of running out of time without having attempted as many questions as you can.

7. Verify Your test’s calculator policy

Not all numerical tests allow the use of a calculator. In general Cubiks tests do, but it is always a good idea to check the policy on the use of calculators beforehand.

Of course, a calculator is of no use unless you can understand and apply basic mathematical principles. Refresh your memory on how to calculate percentages, ratios, fractions and square roots.

8. It’s OK to guess answers

The more questions answered correctly, the higher your overall score will be. If you aren’t sure of an answer mark your best guess and then move onto the next question.

9. Disassemble patterns to their separate elements

Many candidates find abstract reasoning tests difficult, and the Cubiks Logiks test is no different. Break down the pattern into smaller elements to help find the relationship or sequence between each part.

10. Recognise the type of verbal question you’re up against

The Cubiks verbal reasoning test is formed of different types of questions. These can include:

  • Implicit questions. Text is provided and candidates need to make inferences based on the question.
  • Explicit questions. The text provided contains the specific answer to the question.
  • Meta-analysis questions. The text provided contains different pieces of information which together help provide the answer.

Understanding the type of question you’ve been asked based on the information provided can help you recognise and identify the solution quicker and with a higher success rate.