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Huawei Assessments

    • 13 tests |
    • 202 questions

If you’re looking to apply for a job with Huawei, there’s a specific application process you’ll participate in. This article will guide you through the multi-stage Huawei Careers application process, including challenging online skills tests.

By following the advice in this Huawei test preparation guide, you will increase your likelihood of successfully being hired by the company.

Prepare yourself for leading employers

Huawei Verbal Reasoning

Verbal reasoning tests assess your ability to comprehend and analyse written passages of information. Presented with paragraphs of text, you’ll be required to determine whether a statement regarding the content is true, implied truth or false. Huawei uses this to identify candidates with outstanding communication and comprehension skills, both essential for any corporate profession.

It’s worth remembering, there will be distractors within the text to throw you off. Focus on extracting the precise information a question asks for. The best way to prepare for this test is topractice timed verbal reasoning questions.

Huawei English Test

As Huawei employs globally, you will be asked to complete an English competency test to ensure that your language skills and comprehension is strong enough to feel confident communicating in the role and training environments.

Huawei technical Interview

Upon successfully meeting the benchmark scores in the aptitude tests, you’ll be invited to a technical interview with a manager in the department applied for. Whether it’s a technology role or a marketing one, you will still always take a technical test.

These focus on department and role-specific competencies, measuring how job-ready you are. However confident you may feel about your skillset, take the time to revisit your CV and pull out the most impactful areas for this particular department. Practise answers and consider solutions to hypothetical scenarios you might be posed with.

Huawei Final HR Interview

The final interview with HR and management staff consists of personal questions to secure your experience and desire for the role. Common questions are:

  • What makes you the right person for this role?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Tell us what you know about Huawei.
  • Describe your ideal work environment.

Be sure to research Huawei, relate back to your direct and indirect experience as often as possible and come with a handful of your own questions - this shows you are engaged in the process and confident to actively participate as an employee.

Sample Huawei Tests question Test your knowledge!

What does 'scalability' in a network imply about the information and communications technology infrastructure?

  • It is difficult to maintain as the user base grows.
  • It cannot support the latest software updates.
  • It can handle increasing amounts of work or number of users efficiently.
  • It is costly and requires significant investment to upgrade.
  • It uses less energy as the network size increases.

If a telecommunications company invested $5 million in infrastructure and expects a yearly ROI of 12%, how much profit would be made at the end of the third year?

  • $1.8 million
  • $2.52 million
  • $1.976 million
  • $2.1 million
  • $2.4 million

During a fiscal quarter, a company notices that it sold 10% more mobile devices compared to the previous quarter. If 27,000 devices were sold in the previous quarter, how many devices were sold in the current quarter?

  • 29,700 devices
  • 30,000 devices
  • 27,500 devices
  • 27,270 devices
  • 30,700 devices

In an internal communication, 'The new software integration enhances data processing speeds by up to 3 times for complex calculations.' What can be inferred about the previous state of data processing?

  • Data was processed using a different software.
  • Data processing was sufficiently fast for simple calculations but not complex ones.
  • Data processing speeds for complex calculations used to be slower.
  • New software is unnecessary for current data processing needs.
  • Complex calculations cannot be processed by the existing system.

When reviewing a report on communication technology usage, a manager should be most concerned about which of the following?

  • The percentage of staff trained on new communication platforms.
  • The increase in mobile device data usage over the last quarter.
  • The variety of communication software used across departments.
  • The frequency of video conference meetings by the sales team.
  • The outdated user interfaces of communication methods.

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Huawei Tests Tips

1Know Your Enemy

Get familiar with the types of questions you’re likely to face. Know the common formats and the kind of reasoning each question assesses.

2Simulate Test Conditions

When practicing, try to emulate the conditions under which you’ll take the actual test. This means timing yourself and working in a quiet environment.

3Relax and Rest

Ensure you’re well-rested before the test. A clear mind performs better, so don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep!

4Read Instructions Carefully

Don’t lose points for silly mistakes. Take the time to read each instruction thoroughly before diving into the questions.

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Huawei Tests FAQs

What are the Huawei tests?

Huawei’s recruitment tests are designed to measure a variety of skills including logical reasoning, numerical ability, and verbal proficiency to find candidates that align with their high standards in ICT expertise.

Are the Huawei tests hard?

Like any standardized assessment, Huawei tests can be challenging, especially considering the competitive nature of job roles at a leading global tech company. However, with proper preparation, you can boost your confidence and performance.

How do I prepare for Huawei tests?

Preparing for Huawei tests is all about practice. With a trove of practice tests at Practice Aptitude Tests, you can sharpen your abilities and approach the real test feeling prepared and self-assured.

How long does the recruitment process take at Huawei?

The recruitment process at Huawei varies by position and location, but it typically involves several stages, including online tests, and can span from a few weeks to a couple of months.

What are Huawei's core values?

Huawei’s core values revolve around dedication to customer satisfaction, continuous innovation, and fostering a collaborative and enterprising corporate culture that adheres to the highest standards of integrity and transparency.

Reviews of our Huawei tests

What our customers say about our Huawei tests

  • Cameroon

    November 03, 2022

    hard but hope doing better next time

    it was really hard compared to my expectations but from what I saw it really meets up to its status i hope to do better next time