Aptitude tests are of paramount importance to prospective job seekers in today’s competitive job market. Numerical reasoning tests and verbal reasoning tests are the most commonly used tests in the recruitment process, so these are the main two to focus on.

Many candidates spend hours researching the company they are applying to and perfecting their CV but pay little regard to the aptitude tests, which are becoming an increasingly common part of an employer’s application process.

Employers use psychometric tests to distinguish between candidates. Hence a poor score on a numerical or verbal reasoning test could be the difference between getting an interview or not.

It is vital not to neglect the importance of aptitude tests when preparing and applying for jobs.

Why do employers use aptitude tests?

Aptitude testing allows employers to assess a candidate’s abilities, which can then be used to determine which applicants will be most suitable for the role.

This provides an immediate filter for employers to discard those who have not met the required level, with scores under 50% almost certainly resulting in a failed job application.

What is the format of numerical and verbal reasoning tests?

Aptitude tests are typically short, timed assessments presented in a multiple-choice format. Numerical reasoning tests typically consist of data presented in tables, graphs and charts, which you will have to interpret and apply to solve a particular problem.

Verbal reasoning tests usually require you to read and interpret a dense paragraph of text and answer questions on it. The question typically begins with a statement, from which you need to determine if it is ‘true’, ‘false’, or ‘cannot say’, based on the passage.

Should you practice numerical and verbal reasoning tests?

Without doubt, yes. Practicing aptitude tests is just as important as practicing interview questions, for example. Practicing will help build your confidence, speed, and accuracy.

With practice, numerical reasoning and verbal reasoning tests become much easier to pass. These tests are often administered again at candidate assessment centres, and so it’s essential you become comfortable with them and do not cheat.

Take the practice tests in exam conditions, as this will help prepare you for the real thing and allow you to get the most out of your practice. Exam conditions mean taking the test under timed conditions in an area that is free from distractions, and not using any external help.

Don’t forget to review your answers after you have finished, as this will help you identify possible areas of weakness that you need to focus on.

What are the other types of aptitude tests?

There are several different types of aptitude tests including diagrammatic reasoning, spatial reasoning, logical reasoning, mechanical reasoning and situational judgement tests. These can seem confusing at first, but again with the right practice they shouldn’t pose too much difficulty.

Aptitude tests are just another hurdle employers use to select the best candidates. Preparing for these tests is more important than simply being naturally brilliant at maths or English. So get practicing!