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Starbucks Assessments

    • 15 tests |
    • 72 questions

Founded in 1971, Starbucks has grown to become the largest coffee shop chain in the world, with a globally recognised brand and more than 32,000 stores in 80 countries.

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Starbucks Virtual Job Tryout

If you are successful at the telephone interview stage, you will be invited to take the Starbucks Virtual Job Tryout.

This assessment consists of mainly situational judgement questions, with some personality assessments as well. You will take this assessment if you are applying for a barista, shift supervisor or store manager position.

The assessment is meant to simulate the scenarios and problems you could face as a barista or manager. You will be asked questions regarding these scenarios and will have to select the best course of action.

It is taken online and assesses your competence and decision making when presented with certain employee and customer situations. Starbucks uses this to screen candidates by seeing if they possess the necessary skills for the role, and to give them a sense of how well they might perform on the job.

This is also an opportunity for you to get a taste of what it will be like to work in the role you are applying for.

The assessment can be tough, as there may appear to be more than one ‘obvious’ choice. The best way to prepare is to become familiar with the Starbucks company values beforehand and try to select the response that you think best fits the work culture of the company.

Face-to-face interviews

The final stage of the recruitment process is a face-to-face interview with the store manager. This will typically last between 15 minutes and an hour. If you are applying for a managerial position, you can expect to have multiple face-to-face interviews.

This interview will involve competency-based questions, but will remain relatively relaxed and conversational. Examples of competency-based questions:

  • “How would you handle a rude customer?”
  • “If we ran out of a product or ingredient, how would you explain the situation to the customer? “
  • “Tell me about a time you made a mistake, and how did you fix it?”

The interviewer will want you to give specific anecdotes when answering these questions, so take some time to think about examples from your past experiences.

Make sure to also do some research on Starbucks and the role, and think of some questions to ask the store manager, as this shows you have interest in the position and are a keen candidate.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with Starbucks. We provide preparation services for Starbucks psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample Starbucks Tests question Test your knowledge!

A member of your team consistently fails to meet their targets and is disengaged. Which initial leadership action is most appropriate?

  • Schedule a one-on-one meeting with them to discuss their performance and ways to improve.
  • Publicly compare their performance with the rest of the team to motivate them.
  • Immediately demote them to a role with less responsibility.
  • Overlook their performance issues, hoping they will resolve themselves over time.

A regular customer expresses displeasure with the way their beverage was made, stating it does not taste as it usually does. How would you address this situation?

  • Politely apologize and remake the beverage to the customer's satisfaction.
  • Explain that beverages sometimes vary slightly and offer a discount on their next purchase.
  • Ignore the complaint and move on to the next customer to avoid delaying the service.
  • Suggest they try a different beverage instead.

When organizing a storage area for efficiency, what is the most important factor to consider?

  • The popularity of items to ensure best-sellers are easily accessible.
  • The size of products to maximize use of space.
  • The color and packaging of products for aesthetic appeal.
  • The weight of products to maintain the structural integrity of shelves.

Describe an approach that fosters effective collaboration among team members assigned to prepare a large order.

  • Assign specific tasks to each team member based on their strengths and coordinate efforts to ensure efficiency.
  • Let the team members decide among themselves how they wish to divide the tasks.
  • Instruct the team to work on the order together simultaneously to foster unity.
  • Have the most experienced team member complete the order alone to guarantee quality.

What is a key characteristic of a high-performing sales associate in a retail coffee environment?

  • Thorough knowledge of the various types of coffee blends and preparation methods.
  • Ability to work rapidly and manage many orders at once.
  • Prior experience in a completely different retail setting.
  • Preference for working solitary rather than as a part of a team.

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Starbucks Tests Tips

1Get to Know the Format

Familiarity breeds confidence. Dive into the structure of Starbucks tests to understand the types of questions you’ll encounter. This way, you won’t be caught off-guard on the big day.

2Keep an Eye on the Clock

Time management is crucial. While practicing, simulate test conditions by timing yourself, so you’ll be in tune with the pace needed to complete the test when it counts.

3Review Basic Concepts

Refresh your memory on basic principles that are often tested. Don’t ignore the foundations – they’re pivotal to showcasing your comprehensive understanding.

4Practice Under Pressure

It’s one thing to answer questions correctly in a relaxed environment, another to do so under test conditions. Emulate a pressured environment while you practice to build resilience.

5Stay Calm and Centered

Nerves can be your biggest challenge. Practice mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques to stay composed and clear-headed during the actual test.

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Starbucks Tests FAQs

What are the Starbucks tests?

Starbucks typically utilizes assessments that gauge customer service aptitude, problem-solving abilities, and basic math skills to identify the best match for their service-focused roles.

Are the Starbucks tests hard?

The difficulty of Starbucks tests is subjective, often depending on individual strengths. However, they are designed to assess genuine competency in key areas relevant to the role.

How do I prepare for Starbucks tests?

Preparing for Starbucks tests is best achieved through regular practice. Here at Practice Aptitude Tests, we offer a myriad of practice tests that mirror what you’ll face in the actual assessment.

How long does the recruitment process take at Starbucks?

The recruitment process length at Starbucks can vary based on the position and location, but typically ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks, including the time taken to complete any assessments.

What are Starbucks's core values?

Starbucks prides itself on nurturing a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome. They’re committed to acting with courage, challenging the status quo, and finding new ways to grow their company and each other.

Reviews of our Starbucks tests

What our customers say about our Starbucks tests

  • United States of America

    October 08, 2023

    What would you do?

    I really liked how this test made me put myself in different situations and really think about what I would do.

  • United Kingdom

    February 16, 2023

    Different types of scenarios

    The test covered different situations which I think was good and the questions were easy to read and understand in the given amount of time

  • United States of America

    May 26, 2022

    Good for practical scenarios

    I liked that it gave details without giving away too much, although some of the options were hard to choose from when it came to which option was worse

  • Canada

    April 08, 2022

    Broad Scenarios

    I liked that there was a wide variety of situations where I may need to actively think about what's the best thing to do.

  • United States of America

    November 14, 2021

    My opinion

    What I liked about the test is that it gave me more of an insight into what to prepare for. On the other hand, the test somewhat repeated itself twice towards the end.

  • United States of America

    August 10, 2021

    I liked this test

    I think knowing what answers were correct right away would help plan as to answer the next questions accordingly