When faced with the term ‘maths aptitude test,’ our minds instantly buzz with numbers and formulas. But don’t let that overwhelm you. Such tests evaluate a person’s logical reasoning, number skills, and problem-solving abilities; tools that you would need not only in professional spaces but in everyday life as well.

This blog is designed to equip you for your next maths aptitude test, laying down key concepts and formulas that will come in handy. So roll up your sleeves, and let’s delve right in!

Emotional Preparation

Yes, that’s right. Emotional preparation. Mathematics can seem intimidating to many, and test anxiety is real. Acknowledge the fear, but remember that fears are also opportunities for growth. A positive attitude will go a long way in preparing you for a maths aptitude test.

The Fundamental Concepts

These are the bread and butter of any maths aptitude test. Master these, and you will have a sturdy foundation to build on.

  • Number System: Understand the basics of whole numbers, fractions, integers, prime numbers, odd and even numbers, LCM and HCF.
  • Arithmetic: You need to be able to do basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division quickly and accurately.
  • Percentages: Concepts of increase and decrease, profit and loss are generally evaluated.
  • Ratio and Proportion: Remember to simplify ratios and understand the basics of direct and indirect proportions.
  • Algebra: Familiarize yourself with elementary algebra, linear equations, quadratic equations, and factorization.
  • Geometry: Learn about basic geometric shapes and their properties, along with concepts such as perimeter, area, volume, and Pythagorean Theorem.

Additionally, you may find questions related to statistics, set theory, probability, trigonometry, and mathematical logic. The specifics may depend on the nature and level of the test.

Formulas to Remember

Now here’s a list of math formulas you’d need for your maths aptitude test - the more you use and understand them, the easier they get!


  • (a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2
  • (a-b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2
  • a^2 - b^2 = (a+b)(a-b)


  • Area of a rectangle: length x width
  • Area of a square: side^2
  • Area of a circle: πr^2
  • Volume of a cube: side^3
  • Volume of a cylinder: πr^2h
  • Pythagorean Theorem: a^2 + b^2 = c^2


  • sin^2(θ) + cos^2(θ) = 1
  • tan(θ) = sin(θ)/cos(θ)
  • sin(0) = 0, cos(0) = 1


  • Percentage calculation: (part/whole) x 100
  • Profit or Loss %: ((selling price - cost price)/cost price) x 100
  • Interest Calculation: PRT/100

(P=Principal amount, R=Rate of interest, T=Time in years)

Practice Makes Perfect

As with any other skill, practice is key to success in a maths aptitude test. Schedule regular time for practice to boost confidence and precision. Here are some strategies to get you started:

  • Regular Quizzes: Frequent self-testing helps identify weak areas and ways to improve. Plenty of free online resources offer quizzes tailored to your level of competency.
  • Mock Tests: These simulate the conditions of a real maths aptitude test and are an excellent way to check your preparedness. Online portals offer timed mock tests for practice.
  • Review Errors: Always go over the mistakes you made during practice. Analyzing them will help you understand the concepts better.

Summing Up

Although this blog serves as a brief guide to preparing for a maths aptitude test, remember that every individual’s learning journey is unique. Learning mathematics is not confined to rote memorization. It’s more about understanding and applying concepts to problem-solving. So, equip yourself with the basics, remember the formulas, and practice regularly. Before you know it, you’ll be acing your maths aptitude test with ease! Happy learning!