The McQuaig Word Survey is another type of personality test that is commonly used by employers.
The McQuaig Word Survey is an online profiling tool that is not timed, but normally completed in 10-20 minutes. It accesses your core temperament and personality traits, and how you typically behave. Like all personality tests, there is no pass or fail, but there will be certain behaviours and attitudes that the employer is looking for you to demonstrate according to the role you are applying for.
The survey will produce a report that consists of 10 areas. These are:
1) The profile – a visual summary, normally in the form of a graph, that reveals your behavioural patterns including your natural style as well as changes according to circumstances
2) Interpretation Report – a detailed understanding of the strengths you can bring to the job and areas of development and/or concern
3) Leadership Profile – a summary of how you would behave in a leadership role.
4) Selling style report – a report revealing how you would cope in a sales environment and what persuasive techniques you would use
5) Interviewing Questions – demonstrates previous work behaviours and how these would fit in to your new role
6) Management Overview – an overview of the candidates profile
7) Motivating Factors – a report demonstrating your key drivers and needs, so that these can be matched with those of the new role
8) Strategies for Coaching and Development – a summary to help you identify how to work with this candidate effectively
9) Developmental Learning Style Report – a report to select the best training approach for the candidate
10) Team Approach – a summary of how this individuals works in a team. It goes into detail about how this individual will effect your current team dynamics